A Life with Vulcan Prosthetic Hands: A Pathway to New Opportunities

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“How is my life after an amputation?”

Losing an arm is a tragedy, but with advancing technology, life after amputation opens new opportunities. Here, we explore how Vulcan can support your journey.

1. Assessing Your Stump’s Readiness

Before moving forward, ensure your stump is prepared for prosthetic fitting.

1.1. Physical Healing Assessment

An upper limb young man wearing white t-shirt is checked if his stump is healed by another upper limb young man wearing blue polo shirt aat an eventr hand to hold a bowl of cereal and pour milk from a blue box of milk into the bowl
Ensure your stump is fully healed:
  • Wound Closure: Your surgical incision should be fully closed with no signs of infection.
  • Absence of Swelling: Swelling should significantly reduce or resolve completely.
  • Skin Condition: The skin on your stump should appear healthy with no redness or excessive dryness.
  • Pain Management: Effective pain management indicates healing progress.

Pro Tip: Each healing process is unique; consult your medical professional for an evaluation.

1.2. Emotional and Psychological Evaluation

An upper limb young man wearing a white polo shirt is holding a can of beer with his prosthetic arm to cheer with his friend in a parkand to ride a bicycle in a part
Giving yourself time to accept and seek for professional help for a positive outlook

Determining if you are emotionally ready after an amputation is a personal and complex process. Here are some factors to consider when assessing your emotional readiness:

  • Coping with Grief: Allow yourself to grieve and adapt to your new reality.
  • Developing a Positive Outlook: Seek professional help and build a support system for emotional readiness.

Pro Tip: Be patient with yourself; consider professional support if needed.

2. How a Vulcan Hand Can Transform Your Life

Now that you have assessed your readiness, it’s time to explore the possibilities that Vulcan prosthetic arms offer.

An upper limb young man wearing a cargo jacket is take out the Vulcan hand from his socket
The Vulcan hand with a seperated wrist that can rotate 360 degree allowing for more complex activities

2.1. Advanced Functionality

Discover the features that set Vulcan apart:

  • Passive 360-degree Wrist Rotation: One of only few prosthetics brands in the world has this flexibility for precise movements at different angles.
  • 06 Grip Patterns: For versatile handling of objects, allowing you to adapt your grip based on the object they are grasping.
  • Enhanced Sensory Technology: Advanced sensor technology and modular hand design allow for quick fitting and adaptation, reducing the time and effort required for both users and clinicians by 50% and improving overall patient satisfaction.
  • User-friendly Interface App: professional healthcare or users can adjust their calibration easily and quickly from anywhere at any time.

Vulcan users now only take a maximum of 15 minutes to learn and adapt to controlling the Vulcan hand.

2.2. Customized Solutions

Whether you are a new amputee or have been living with limb loss for some time, Vulcan hand prosthesis is designed to meet your unique needs with greater ease.

An upper limb young man is using his prothesis hand to hold a fork while the other hand holds a spoon to eat Spaghetti with sausages
Using the Vulcan hand for eating activities to gain a better dining experience
  • For those who have just entered life after amputation, the Vulcan hand accompanies you for a quicker recovery, regaining and relearning some certain basic functions such as doing a self-care routine (eating, drinking, changing clothes, etc) so you can take back your controls in life.
An upper limb young man is using his prothesis hand to hold a whisk to stir the egg in a bowl
Doing activities that requires both hands to perform with the Vulcan prosthetic hand
  • For those who have been amputees for a long time, you can find how to do more things that require both hands effectively and quickly, saving you a lot of time and effort.

Additionally, Vulcan provides a comprehensive supportive program that includes rehabilitation, exercises, and interactive games to help you regain strength and adapt to your new prosthetic gradually day by day.

3. Enhancing Daily Life with Vulcan

Integrate Vulcan into daily routines for improved functionality and well-being.

3.1. Adapting Daily Routines

Without a prosthetic, can you still perform an everyday task?

Yes, you absolutely can but what if it is a complex task requiring you to use both hands at the same time, such as riding your bike, doing push-ups, enjoying your freshly cooked food with a fork and knife, etc?

This is when having an advanced prosthetic becomes extremely necessary, helpful, and useful.

  • No more staggering from riding with one hand
  • Stopping the pain from falling due to unsafe push-ups
  • Saying goodbye to plate slipping when you try to cut your food
An upper limb young man is using his prothesis hand to do push up in a park
Doing a safer excersise pose witht the right prosthetic arm

With the Vulcan semi bionic hand, you only need 10 seconds to adjust angles for your Vulcan hand and you are ready to do things more stable and yes, enjoy life more comfortably.

From simple activities such as holding a bottle of water or a bowl to skillful tasks such as tying shoelaces, cooking, riding, writing, etc, the Vulcan hand enables you to participate in a wide range of activities that were previously challenging or impossible.

3.2. Physical and Mental Well-being

  • Rehabilitation and Therapy: Vulcan offers a comprehensive supportive program that includes rehabilitation exercises and interactive games. These with-tool and without-tool programs are designed to aid in the overall recovery process and help you maximize your potential in using Vulcan prosthetic in the future.
Surround yourself with a group of positive people in the amputee community
  • Community and Support: Vulcan fosters a community of Vulcan users, which we call the “Iron Man community”, they are upper-limb amputees who build a valuable support system, offering encouragement, advice, and camaraderie for new users to boost confidence to enter a new chapter of life, which we know is not so easy at the beginning.

Take the first step and explore the world of Vulcan prosthetics today by FILLING THIS FORM. Your journey awaits!

Vulcan Augmetics specializes in providing medical-standard prosthetic products at reasonable costs to provide the most appropriate support to users quickly and conveniently.

Contact Info:

🌐: http://www.wearevulcan.com

📧: hello@wearevulcan.com