Prosthetic Hand Tips To Save Up To USD 100,000

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According to WHO and the World Bank, it is estimated that while there are 35–40 million people currently requiring prosthetic hands but only 1 in 10 persons has access to such services.

In the complexity of the world’s current situation, discover how Vulcan is on its progress to lift this number in the coming years for the upper limb amputees in different regions. 

A black box with a prosthetic hand, a sensor ring and a digital phone app placed together with the orange background
Vulcan Full Prosthetic Hand Set has been exported and used in 11 countries

The Cost of Prosthesis Around the World

The costs of prosthetic arms can vary widely across the globe, creating significant challenges for many individuals and families.

In some regions, like the US and Europe, the price for a basic prosthetic can reach USD 10,000.

A blue pie chart displays upper limb prosthetics market share by region in 2023
A high demand for upper limb prosthetics around the world (cre: Precedence Research)

Advanced bionic hands equipped with the latest technology can soar from USD 50,000 to USD 100,000 for the first use.

Not to mention the need for maintenance or change after years.

Unfortunately, in most cases, this financial burden can be overwhelming.

It leaves many people without access to the devices they need to enhance their mobility and daily functioning. 

Affordable and Accessible Prosthetic Hand for Everyone

At Vulcan, we firmly believe that everyone should have access to high-quality prosthetics, regardless of their financial situation. 

People often say that affordable prosthetic hands come with limited functions while the more advanced the prosthetic hand is, the more expensive it costs.

The thing is Vulcan affordable options do not ask users to choose between pricing and multiple functions.  

A young arm amputee man wears a black Vulcan prosthetic hand to lift a dumbbell in a park
Enjoy the freedom in performing over 30 activities

Unlike traditional prosthetics, which can be prohibitively expensive and may not offer the latest advancements…

The Vulcan myoelectric hands can cover 40+ daily activities with just ⅓ the cost of the most modern bionic hands. 

We also offer various combo options, allowing users to customize their prosthetic experience without overspending.

Since 2023, the Vulcan control solutions have been exported to 11 countries with over 20 official clinics across Asia, Europe, South America, and the Middle East.

We make it easier for arm amputees in different regions to receive Vulcan assistance without a distance barrier. 

An arm amputee man wearing two black Vulcan prosthetic hands on his both stumps hold his wife's hands in an orange room
Ronald – A bilateral amputee from the Philippines come to Vulcan’s main office to install Vulcan hands

Once you have been a part of the Vulcan community, remember to check the Vulcan app for direct support.

To know if the Vulcan hand is already available in your country, check out here.

If your country is not on the list, just fill out this form and we will assist you to the nearest partnered clinic in your area.