
Boosting Prosthetic Adoption with Vulcan’s Hand Prosthesis

High-tech prosthetic arms have the potential to significantly enhance mobility and independence, thereby improving overall quality of life. However, adoption rates are hindered by various concerns. In this blog post, we explore these challenges and offer practical solutions. 1. Common Reasons for Abandoning High-Tech Prosthetics 1.1 Complexity and Difficulty of Use One of the main reasons individuals abandon high-tech prosthetics is the perceived complexity of operation. Many believe these devices are only for tech-savvy individuals. Vulcan addresses this with intuitive controls and user-friendly interfaces. Vulcan’s myoelectric prosthetic hand is designed with simplicity in mind, ensuring that users can easily adjust the settings to their individual needs with just three simple steps: Wearing the devices, Doing calibration on the Vulcan app and Practicing the hand, that’s it! The mechanism of use, featuring an intuitive grasp-and-release functionality, is easy to understand and operate. Vulcan simplifies every step as much as possible so users from different backgrounds can comfortably use the Vulcan hands.  Michal, an U60 user from Poland, who successfully adapted to Vulcan’s technology in less than 20 minutes at his first try, allowing Vulcan to prove that age or educational background is not a barrier to use the Vulcan hand.  1.2 Affordability and Accessibility Another barrier is the high cost associated with advanced prosthetics. Vulcan offers affordable options to ensure accessibility for a broader range of users. Dung, a young man from a rural area who experienced life-changing improvements with high-tech prosthetics at a very reasonable price. After installing Vulcan hand prosthesis, Dung uses it for his work as a content creator on social media and soon becomes an inspiration for other amputees, along with giving him a better source of income for a living compared to his previous job. 1.3 Maintenance and Durability Concerns regarding the maintenance and durability of high-tech prosthetics often contribute to their abandonment. Vulcan understands the importance of reliable and durable prosthetic solutions. Vulcan is committed to providing not only cutting-edge technology but also excellent support. Users can rely on the Vulcan app to access assistance and troubleshooting whenever needed. Additionally, regular maintenance is crucial for ensuring the longevity of the prosthetic. Vulcan offers comprehensive guidance on how to care for and extend the lifespan of the device, enabling users to fully enjoy the benefits of their high-tech prosthetic for years to come. 2. The Promise of High-Tech Prosthetics 2.1 Enhanced Daily Activities The impact of high-tech prosthetics extends to various aspects of daily living. With the advanced functionality provided by Vulcan’s myoelectric hand technology, individuals can perform activities of daily living with greater ease and efficiency. This includes tasks such as dressing, grooming, preparing meals, and even driving. By regaining the ability to carry out these activities comfortably, individuals experience an increased sense of self-reliance and a restored level of normalcy in their everyday lives. 2.2 Pursuing Hobbies: One of the most transformative aspects of high-tech prosthetics is their ability to open up new opportunities for individuals in hobbies and activities they are passionate about. Whether it’s cooking, or engaging in sports and recreational activities, high-tech prosthetics provide the necessary tools to participate fully and enjoy these pursuits. By enabling individuals to pursue their hobbies and passions, high-tech prosthetics contribute to improved mental health and overall well-being. 2.3 Overcoming Physical Limitations High-tech prosthetics have the power to break through the physical and psychological limitations often associated with limb loss. Physically, high-tech prosthetics help individuals regain lost capabilities, allowing them to perform tasks with a level of precision and dexterity that closely resembles natural limb function. This physical empowerment contributes to a more inclusive society that recognizes and values the contributions of all individuals, regardless of their physical abilities. 3. Preparing for Prosthetics at Vulcan Education and support are essential for the successful use of high-tech prosthetics. Vulcan offers easy-to-follow training, resources, and ongoing assistance to users, ensuring a smooth transition and empowering individuals to make the most of their prosthetic devices. 3.1 Comprehensive Training Vulcan provides detailed training sessions tailored to each person’s specific needs and goals. These sessions cover every step from preparing for installation (setting up and self – calibration) to post-installation (practicing and self – tracking muscle growth) with a suitable timeline and users can completely do it at home. 3.2 Ongoing Support Vulcan also offers ongoing assistance and guidance throughout the prosthetic journey. Vulcan’s experienced support team is accessible through the Vulcan app, providing you personalized help with troubleshooting, concerns, and optimizing prosthetic functionality. The Vulcan Multi Grip Myoelectric Hand offers global accessibility through its advanced functionality at a reasonable cost, benefiting a wider range of patients while alleviating financial strain on healthcare providers and insurers. With its advanced sensor technology and modular design, the hand enables a fast and efficient fitting process, reducing time and effort for users and clinicians by 50% and enhancing overall patient satisfaction. Furthermore, we provide industry-leading lifetime support, including a comprehensive warranty commitment and service, ensuring that patients feel confident and supported in pursuing all activities with the hand. Vulcan acknowledges your concerns surrounding high-tech prosthetics and the unfortunate abandonment of them. However, Vulcan wants to reassure you that solutions exist, and Vulcan is here to support you every step to break down barriers, and unlock a world of possibilities for a brighter future. To register a FREE 1:1 consultation with the Vulcan team, please FILL IN FORM HERE

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Doing Outdoor Activities with Your Vulcan Hand Prosthesis

How long have you not gotten the touch of the wind on your face, the excitement of exploring new places, and the joy of immersing yourself in outdoor adventures?  Outdoor activities offer more than just physical exercise; they profoundly impact emotional well-being. However, arm amputation can limit participation in these activities. What if there was a solution to bridge this gap? 1.Doing the Outdoors with Vulcan Upper Limb Prosthesis Vulcan believes outdoor activities should be accessible to everyone, regardless of ability. For arm amputees, functional prosthetics can restore mobility and safety, making activities like mountain biking, hiking, fishing, and photography achievable once more. Whether you’re handling tough mountain biking trails or going on amazing hikes, casting a fishing line with accuracy into calm waters, or capturing stunning photos, a prosthetic designed for both indoor and outdoor activities, such as Vulcan prosthetic hand, can serve as the ideal companion for you. One of the key features that make Vulcan a game-changer for outdoor activities is its practical design of specialized grips. Some main grips that you may use most for activities outside houses are Power Grip, Hook Grip, and Precision Grip (we will discuss more especially how you can apply these grips for an outdoor day in the following part).  Pro tip: Working closely with a prosthetist ensures your device fits correctly for safety and performance tailored to your activities. 2. Enhancing Hobby Enjoyment Continuing beloved hobbies is crucial for restoring normalcy post-amputation. Vulcan’s grips enable activities such as biking, hiking, and photography with ease. 2.1 Power Grip Use the Power Grip for a secure hold on items like cameras and hiking poles, ensuring stability in challenging outdoor environments. 2.2 Hook Grip The Hook Grip is particularly useful for activities that involve hanging or suspending objects. This grip mimics the function of a hook or a clamp, providing you with the ability to suspend items like camera straps or backpacks, ensuring you to keep your belongings securely attached, accessible and within reach during outdoor adventures, providing convenience and peace of mind.  Well, you do not want to spend two hours searching for things to drop from your backpack on the way of trekking, the worst nightmare ever, right!  2.3 Precision Grip The Precision Grip is designed for tasks that require dexterity and fine motor control. This grip allows you to handle smaller objects, such as camera lenses, and fishing lures, or adjust camera settings. With the Precision Grip, you can perform delicate movements with accuracy and precision. 3. Creating Connections Through Outdoor Activities Wearing Vulcan empowers arm amputees to fully engage in activities, fostering connections and creating lasting memories with loved ones. Khoa’s Story: Rediscovering Freedom Meet Khoa, a longtime Vulcan user who regained the confidence to ride motorcycles with his wife after an accident. His story reflects how Vulcan’s technology restores not just mobility but also personal joy and connection. Outdoor activities with Vulcan prosthetics ensure you don’t miss out on life’s adventures. Embrace the journey with Vulcan and explore the world around you with newfound confidence. If you’re ready to embark on your adventure with Vulcan, CLICK HERE to register with the Vulcan team for a personalized consultation!

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A Life with Vulcan Prosthetic Hands: A Pathway to New Opportunities

“How is my life after an amputation?” Losing an arm is a tragedy, but with advancing technology, life after amputation opens new opportunities. Here, we explore how Vulcan can support your journey. 1. Assessing Your Stump’s Readiness Before moving forward, ensure your stump is prepared for prosthetic fitting. 1.1. Physical Healing Assessment Pro Tip: Each healing process is unique; consult your medical professional for an evaluation. 1.2. Emotional and Psychological Evaluation Determining if you are emotionally ready after an amputation is a personal and complex process. Here are some factors to consider when assessing your emotional readiness: Pro Tip: Be patient with yourself; consider professional support if needed. 2. How a Vulcan Hand Can Transform Your Life Now that you have assessed your readiness, it’s time to explore the possibilities that Vulcan prosthetic arms offer. 2.1. Advanced Functionality Discover the features that set Vulcan apart: Vulcan users now only take a maximum of 15 minutes to learn and adapt to controlling the Vulcan hand. 2.2. Customized Solutions Whether you are a new amputee or have been living with limb loss for some time, Vulcan hand prosthesis is designed to meet your unique needs with greater ease. Additionally, Vulcan provides a comprehensive supportive program that includes rehabilitation, exercises, and interactive games to help you regain strength and adapt to your new prosthetic gradually day by day. 3. Enhancing Daily Life with Vulcan Integrate Vulcan into daily routines for improved functionality and well-being. 3.1. Adapting Daily Routines Without a prosthetic, can you still perform an everyday task? Yes, you absolutely can but what if it is a complex task requiring you to use both hands at the same time, such as riding your bike, doing push-ups, enjoying your freshly cooked food with a fork and knife, etc? This is when having an advanced prosthetic becomes extremely necessary, helpful, and useful. With the Vulcan semi bionic hand, you only need 10 seconds to adjust angles for your Vulcan hand and you are ready to do things more stable and yes, enjoy life more comfortably. From simple activities such as holding a bottle of water or a bowl to skillful tasks such as tying shoelaces, cooking, riding, writing, etc, the Vulcan hand enables you to participate in a wide range of activities that were previously challenging or impossible. 3.2. Physical and Mental Well-being Take the first step and explore the world of Vulcan prosthetics today by FILLING THIS FORM. Your journey awaits! Vulcan Augmetics specializes in providing medical-standard prosthetic products at reasonable costs to provide the most appropriate support to users quickly and conveniently. Contact Info: 🌐: 📧:

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Accurate Calibration

Controlling a Robotic Arm through Phantom Limb Movements

Controlling a Robotic Arm through Phantom Limb Movements Years ago, missing limbs often led to stigmatization and limited mobility. However, human creativity has fueled groundbreaking innovations to support the amputee community. One such innovation is the exploration of phantom limb movements. 1. Understanding Phantom Limb Movement Phantom limb movement refers to the sensation of movement in a limb that is no longer physically present. Despite the absence of the limb, the brain continues to send signals, creating the perception of movement. These signals originate from residual muscles in the amputated limb. Harnessing these phantom limb movements allows individuals to control a robotic arm, bridging the gap between missing limbs and technology. 2. The Power of EMG Sensors At the forefront of controlling robotic arms through phantom limb movements are EMG (electromyography) sensors. These sensors play a crucial role in capturing and translating electrical signals from residual muscles into precise motion. Vulcan’s EMG technology stands out for its integration into the Vulcan app, enhancing synergy between sensors and prosthetic limbs. This integration enables real-time adjustment of control settings based on muscle signals, empowering users to independently manage their prosthetic hands with speed and accuracy. Compared to traditional electrodes, which require complex calibration, Vulcan’s EMG sensors offer a streamlined experience, reducing reliance on healthcare professionals and enabling users to adjust settings conveniently. 3. Training and Integration Training muscles to recognize specific phantom limb movements is essential for effective robotic arm control. Vulcan provides comprehensive support through expert-designed rehabilitation, training, and ongoing care via the Vulcan app. This includes automatic calibration and engaging practices to optimize performance and enhance control accuracy. 4. Benefits and Applications Controlling a robotic arm through phantom limb movements enhances dexterity, precision, and natural movement, significantly improving users’ quality of life. This technology facilitates daily tasks, occupational activities, and recreational pursuits with greater ease and confidence. Vulcan Augmetics is dedicated to advancing innovation and supporting users worldwide with medical-standard prosthetic products at affordable prices. Contact Info:

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